Our Team

Cristina Orpheo
Executive Director
Cristina holds a degree in Business Administration with a focus on the third sector, specializing in the management of social projects, third sector, financial management, and environmental management. With 20 years of experience in project development and management, strategic planning, and resource mobilization. Since 2011, she has been leading the growth of Casa Fund. Under her leadership, Casa Fund has tripled its donation capacity, built a solid institutional and financial structure to engage in larger partnerships and alliances, significantly enhancing its ability to support traditional and local communities, protecting Brazil’s major biomes. Orpheo has been a strong presence in strengthening the Brazilian philanthropic field and its relationship with major national and international partnerships.

Maria Amália Souza
Founder • Strategic Alliances and Partnerships
Amália is dedicated to designing systemic strategies to ensure that philanthropic resources reach the most excluded and vulnerable grassroots community groups. She is a founding member of the Comuá Philanthropy Network for Social Justice and leads Casa Fund's participation in various international coalitions of philanthropic funds/foundations. Her 37+ years of professional career include positions as Director of Members at the Association for the Advancement of Communications, Director of International Communications at the Union of Indigenous Nations, and Coordinator of the Brazilian Council of the Global Greengrants Fund. She has also worked with international NGOs, provided consulting services to companies in their social investment assessments, and engaged in partnerships with global networks. She serves on the Board of Directors of AIDA - Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense, is part of the Coordinating Committee of the Human Rights Funders Network since 2017, and is part of the Philanthropy Together Braintrust group. Amália holds a degree in International Service and Development with a focus on International Environmental Studies from World College West (California), Donnella Meadows Leadership Fellows Program (Sustainability Fellows Network), and has training in Biopsychology from the Vision Future Institute. Amália is active in the field of national and international philanthropy, sharing the knowledge generated by Casa Fund in 19 years of direct support to local communities, mobilizing and engaging the philanthropic sector to ensure funding reaches the guardians of the most important planetary biomes.

Taila Wengrzynek
Finance Coordinator
Taila G. Wengrzynek holds a degree in Business Administration from Anhanguera Educational College and is a certified accountant through the technical course at Centro Paula Souza. She is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Positive Psychology, People Management, and Health at Work at USP. She has worked for private companies such as Caixa Econômica Federal and Neimafer Accounting as an accounting assistant. At Casa Fund since 2014, she coordinates the administration and finance team, manages financial and administrative operations, coordinates external audits, and handles all due diligence processes for Casa Fund with financiers and auditors, as well as financial reporting.

Executive Assistant
Holds a degree in Civil Engineering and has experience in administration and project management, with over eight years working with grassroots groups and social movements in South America, primarily in Brazil. At Thousand Currents, she served as the Coordinator of the Buen Vivir Fund, where she gained knowledge in investment management, long-term strategy implementation, finance, and database maintenance, working directly with philanthropic and grassroots organizations across Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Currently, Maha Akamine is an Executive Assistant at Casa Socio-Environmental Fund, where she remains committed to socio-environmental causes.

Institutional Operations Manager
With a career developed from various fields of study, he began his education in Information Technology, graduated in Civil Engineering, and later in Environmental Management. Additionally, he specialized in Geoprocessing, Project Management, People Management, Industrialization, Urban Planning, and Environment. He also has supplementary training in areas such as Climate Change (Africa), Sustainable Development and Environment (China), Planning and Execution of Agreements, Public Bidding, Technical and Financial Project Management, and Leadership and Project Management.
Currently, he is a master’s candidate in Urban Planning, complementing his academic foundation.
After 14 years of experience in project execution for Federal, State, and Municipal Governments, he directed his career to the third sector, where he remains active, including consulting for national and international organizations. Currently, he works at Casa Socio-Environmental Fund in the Institutional Operations area, focusing on studies that ensure the effective use of resources and the execution of proposals.

Program Manager
He is an Environmental Engineer graduated from the Lutheran University Center of Manaus – CEULM/ULBRA, an agricultural technician, and a technician in Agroforestry Management from the Federal Institute of Amazonas – Campos Manaus Zona Leste - IFAM, working in the environmental field since 2005. He has experience with socio-productive projects, recovery of degraded areas, and development of income generation alternatives for traditional populations in the Amazon. He has worked with various communities and territories along rivers, extractive reserves, and family farmers in the State of Pará and Amazonas. He believes that well-managed forests provide economic, social, and environmental wealth combined with the use and conservation of natural resources, and that the traditional populations of the Amazon need opportunities and resources to develop the necessary social technologies to maintain the biome in balance and contribute to the sustainability of the planet.

Program Manager
Beatriz Roseiro holds a degree in Business Administration from Faculdades Integradas de Botucatu (UNIFAC) and has a specialization in Management and Monitoring of Social Projects from Umanitar Academy. With solid experience of 9 years in the private sector, Beatriz joined the Casa Socio-Environmental Fund in 2019 and currently serves as a Program Manager. In her role, she coordinates contracts covering topics such as wildfire prevention and climate emergency response, development of productive projects, and forest preservation, among other sustainability and environmental protection initiatives.

Program Manager
Claudia Gibeli Gomes, holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Santo Amaro, with specializations in Ecology (São Judas University), Environmental Management (University of São Paulo – USP), pursued a master’s in Planning and Management of the Territory (Federal University of ABC – UFABC) and is currently starting postgraduate studies in Politics and International Relations at the School of Sociology and Politics Foundation. Experienced in socio-environmental diagnostic elaboration and project planning and management in urbanization programs for precarious settlements since 2000. She was a consultant for UNDP at IBAMA in 2005. At Casa Fund since 2014, she acts as a Program Manager and coordinates contracts within support themes: sociobiodiversity business, just and inclusive energy transition, forest restoration, and the right to cities.

Program Manager
A social scientist, environmental manager, and indigenous woman with over 20 years of experience in projects and partnerships with traditional communities. Her work spans the third sector, companies, government agencies, and international donors. Since 2019, she has served as a Program Manager at Casa Socio-Environmental Fund, responsible for implementing policies and strategies for donations to grassroots groups.
As an organizer, she has published the books ‘Aunakî Kuwamutü’ with the Mehinaku people and ‘Stories of the beginning and end of the world: The contact of the Paiter Suruí people’, by Ikore Publisher. For eight years, she was part of the board of the Institute of Indigenous Traditions (IDETI) and is currently a member of the Board of the Indigenous Culture Center (NCI). At Casa Fund for 6 years, she acts as a Program Manager and coordinates contracts within support themes for indigenous rights and territorial governance.

Program Manager
Maíra P. Lacerda, from the Krenak people, is a historian graduated from the University of São Paulo – USP. Her life story is one of permanent coexistence and partnership with indigenous peoples. She managed the production of the “Rite of Passage” project and the “Ethnicities” exhibition at the Institute of Indigenous Traditions – IDETI. She was the general coordinator of the three CECIs – Indigenous Education and Culture Center, at the Guarani Tenondé Porã, Krukutu, and Tekoa Pyaú villages, in partnership with the Municipal Secretary of Education of São Paulo. She developed, with the Guarani Tekoá Pyaú and Krukutu villages, the “Krukutu Culture Point” project, and for this achievement, she won the Anhembi Morumbi Young Initiative Award in 2008. She is a co-founder of the Ikore cultural publisher and producer. At Casa Fund since 2014, she acts as a Program Manager and coordinates contracts within support themes: indigenous rights, territorial governance, impact by mega projects, and just and inclusive energy transition.

Program Manager
Regilon Matos (Régis) holds a degree in Civil Engineering from UNINOVE and an MBA in Management of Social and Cultural Projects from Anhembi Morumbi. He has five years of experience in the private sector in organizational methods and needs analysis, with practical experience in Ecotourism in Juquitiba, and in communications. Régis is part of the youth climate movement, and within Casa Fund, he focuses on youth and environmental issues. Over the past two years, he has been a youth mobilizer for the Young Lab, a training program conducted by the French Embassy, is a member of the Youth Sounding Board (YSB), the Youth Advisory Committee for European Union Cooperation in Brazil, and a Fellow of the YCL (Youth Climate Leaders) networks and a Climate Leader for the Climate Reality Project. Régis is a Program Manager at Casa Fund focusing on youth and climate justice.

Program Manager
Specialist in Environmental Management from UNESP (São Paulo State University) and in Local Development from the ILO/UN (International Training Centre of the ILO). He graduated in tourism from Anhembi Morumbi University. Since 2002, he has been involved in managing socio-environmental projects in peripheral communities around Conservation Units. He coordinated processes of urban territorial planning within the axes of community-based local tourism and environmental education. He coordinated and participated in Agenda 21 processes, City Youth and Environment Municipal Councils. He served as a pedagogical coordinator and technical consultant in territorial development projects and Educommunication and Community Communication projects. He was a producer on cultural projects and worked as a photojournalist for a daily newspaper. At Casa Fund since 2020, he serves as a Project Manager and coordinates contracts within support themes: strengthening artisanal fishing, support for human rights defenders in environmental matters, and community communication & democracy.

Program Manager
Graduated in Public Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) and specialized in Digital Journalism from the same institution. She taught at the Communication Faculties of PUC-RS and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) between 2009 and 2015. From 2002 to 2008, she worked with networks and non-governmental organizations focused on strategic technology use, engaging in project support, stakeholder relations, and event production. At Casa Fund since 2015, she serves as a Program Manager and coordinates contracts within support themes: gender & environment under the GAGGA Alliance, climate emergencies, and strengthening of funds from the Global South.

Project Assistant
A biologist, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Western Pará. Since 2013, she has been developing projects linked to NGOs and universities, on topics such as artisanal and food production, territorial management, and environmental conflicts. From Mato Grosso do Sul, she has lived for eight years in the Amazon, working directly with family farmers, indigenous people, and other local communities.

Project Assistant
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Amazonas and in Political Science from Uninter University Center. He specialized in Business Intelligence and Analytics at Conquer School, thus building a solid foundation in data analysis and interpretation. Since 2020, he has been dedicated to the socio-environmental theme, with a career marked by work in various organizations, with a special focus on projects. His joining Casa Fund marked a new chapter in his career, where he has sought to deepen his knowledge of economic development and its intersection with philanthropy. Notable in his journey are participations in events such as the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change and the Climate Professional Day, where he had the opportunity to broaden his perspective and contribute to the debate on these pressing issues. In addition to his activities at Casa Fund, Antônio serves as a volunteer professor at the State University of Amazonas, sharing his knowledge and experience with students.

Project Assistant
Helen Maria, a Black woman from Maranhão, holds a degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), with a postgraduate degree in Management of Social and Cultural Projects from UNIFG. She has 7 years of experience in project development and production, digital strategic planning, and audiovisual experience with a focus on documentaries, aiming to tell stories about Black ancestry. She is a co-owner of the creative agency Manguezá.

Lucas Henrique de Toledo Freitas
Project Assistant
Graduated in Environmental Management from the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities at the University of São Paulo (EACH/USP) and holds a postgraduate degree in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Organizations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-Minas). Since 2020, he has been working in the socio-environmental field, focusing on the development and evaluation of projects aimed at socio-environmental justice. His work includes supporting groups in situations of social vulnerability, particularly traditional communities, urban peripheries, and people experiencing homelessness.

Project Assistant
Thiarles Diego dos Santos holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the State University of Mato Grosso – UNEMAT. From 2016 to 2020, he worked with communities impacted by hydroelectric projects in the Tapajós Basin, focusing on the indigenous communities of the lower Teles Pires. He has experience in event organization, stakeholder mobilization, planning river expeditions, and advising projects for small associations.

Project Assistant
Ketlyn Santos holds a degree in Human Resources and a technical degree in administration from ETEC. She has worked in private companies, contributing to problem-solving and relationship improvements with stakeholders, including AES Eletropaulo. As a learning experience, she volunteered at the Municipal Government of Juquitiba in the Human Resources department.

Junior Programmatic Operations Assistant
Melissa has experience in ecotourism, recreation, and public service, and holds a technical degree in administration from ETEC. She is currently in her second semester of Sociology at Cruzeiro do Sul University. She started at Casa Fund as an intern and now is part of the programmatic area.

Finance Assistant
Janice Mello has experience in the private sector and extensive knowledge in accounting, logistics, and administrative sectors. She is currently a student in the technical administration course at Centro Paula Souza. She currently serves as a financial assistant at Casa Fund, working directly with the Finance Coordinator.

Accounting Assistant
Aline Fabiana de Carvalho Müller holds a degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of Santo Amaro, with postgraduate degrees in Tax Accounting from Faculdade Metropolitana and in Personnel Department and Labor Compliance from Faculdade Legale. She is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Third Sector Accounting at Faculdade Faveni/SP. With experience in the financial department, personnel department, and accounting in private companies and accounting services consulting. She currently works in the accounting department of Casa Fund, assisting the Finance Coordinator.

Administrative Assistant
Bianca Paes Mello Landim is certified in Administration by Senac, Taboão da Serra - SP, and has over six years of experience in private companies. She currently serves as an administrative assistant at Casa Fund.

Administrative Assistant
Leandra Pereira de Sousa holds a technical degree in Administration from Centro Paula Souza (ETEC). She is currently in her third semester of Psychology at Anhanguera College in Itapecerica da Serra. She works as an administrative assistant at Casa Fund, responsible for managing the financial database.

Communication Coordinator
Attilio Zolin is a Social Communicator with a specialization in Advertising and Propaganda from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and has a specialization in Photography Direction from the International Academy of Cinema in São Paulo. Since 2012, he has been developing and implementing integrated and strategic communication solutions for the third sector. He has been part of the Casa Fund team since 2015.

Communication Advisor
Denise Farias holds a degree in Social Communication with a specialization in Journalism from the State University of Mato Grosso - UNEMAT and is currently pursuing an MBA in Marketing, Branding, and Growth at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul-PUCRS. She has worked as a marketing analyst in the educational sector, in communication advisory for third sector organizations, and in support of youth groups from agricultural communities in the Amazon Portal. She enjoys and has experience in storytelling through data and the production of photographic and audiovisual material. At Casa Fund since 2022, she is responsible for managing social media and promoting project calls.

Communication Advisor
Lucas Duarte Matos is a journalist graduated from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) with a specialization in Data Journalism from Insper-SP. He has worked at the Globo affiliate in Belém and has received awards such as the National Journalism Award from the Feac Foundation (2017) and the National ABP Journalism Award (2022). He has also worked on the Redação News website and the Amazon Latitude magazine podcast. He currently studies and works with socio-environmental journalism. At Casa Fund, he is responsible for writing, press advisory demands, and publications.

Communication Advisor
Nataly Queiroz is a journalist graduated from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP). She has a specialization in Political Science from the same higher education institution, a diploma in Public Budgets for Gender and Race Equity from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Mexico, a master’s degree in Rural Extension and Local Development from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), and a Ph.D. in Communication from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). She has been working for 20 years with strategic communication, social mobilization, and human rights. She is part of Intervozes - Brazil Communication Collective. At Casa Fund, she works on the supervision of communication contracts, among other strategic actions.