Casa Cities – Final Meeting to celebrate and present results
The Casa Cities, a partnership among CASA Fund, CAIXA Socioenvironmental Fund and OAK Foundation, is reaching its final stage. Casa Cities lasted 18 months and included support for 150 projects in ten large metropolitan areas in Brazil, resulting in some amazing initiatives.
In the last week, the CASA Fund team met in Salvador with the regional coordinators of each region and with SER, the organization in charge of the National Observatory of Projects. The objective of this meeting in the Bahia capital city was to organize the Final Meeting of CASA Cities, scheduled for April in Brasília.
This meeting will be attended by representatives from all projects, coordinators, partners, and funders of the CASA Cities Program in a gathering to celebrate, and present results and statistical data. The first analyses already show important elements: the direct audience that received most attention was women and young people, and the highlighted partnerships were with teaching institutions, social movements, media, and neighborhood associations. Social participation, institutional strengthening, urban agriculture, and solid waste are among the main issues addressed by the 150 projects.
Additional data and information are being prepared for the April meeting, where project representatives will have the opportunity to talk about their experiences, challenges, and achievements. Soon we will have more news about this final meeting of the CASA Cities Program!