
Democratizing Access to Philanthropic Resources for Indigenous Peoples in Brazil

“Supporting Solutions from Traditions” is the new publication by Casa Fund that analyzes data on over US$ 6 million donated directly to indigenous associations across the country.

Democratizing access to philanthropic resources is part of Casa Fund’s mission. Since its inception, approximately 4,000 projects have been supported, strengthening communities that develop solutions for global problems through local initiatives, always taking into account the knowledge and traditions of those who experience the challenges in their territories firsthand.

Of these nearly 4,000 grants provided by Casa Fund in its history, 727 went directly to associations and organizations led by the indigenous peoples of Brazil. Over US$ 6 million has been donated to the indigenous peoples, reaching 402 associations from 182 ethnic groups, representing 60% of the 305 recognized indigenous ethnic groups in Brazil. These significant numbers make Casa Fund one of the largest partners of initiatives led by indigenous communities in Brazil, all carried out through a careful process involving listening and trust.

This kind of support is carried out strategically and in a coordinated manner, with resources precisely tailored to strengthen the initiatives of indigenous associations, enabling these communities to be the true protagonists of the transformations they wish to see in their territories. This support methodology, validated and approved by the communities, has been increasingly recognized and respected by the field of philanthropy, but there is still much room for discussion and much can be done to enhance trust in the actions of local communities.

These are some data and reflections that Casa Fund presents in the publication: “Supporting Solutions from Traditions – Democratizing Access to Philanthropic Resources for Indigenous Peoples in Brazil.” The study, written collaboratively, compiles data, stories, testimonials, and reflections on Casa Fund’s experience in directly supporting the initiatives of indigenous communities, which work on various fronts and themes, but always converge on the protection of culture and, most importantly, the protection of the environment and key biomes.

The publication aims to inspire philanthropic partners and funders by providing data that proves the effectiveness of direct support that is precisely tailored, geographically distributed, yet intrinsically connected in their essence, allowing the creation of a vast network that, united, shows its strength.

Publication Launch

The publication launch will take place online, with a live broadcast and simultaneous translation into English, on June 4th at 11:00am (Brasília time).

Confirmed participants include:

  • Maria Amália Souza – Founder and Director of Strategic Development at Casa Fund
  • Inimá Krenak – Program Manager at Casa Fund
  • Severiá Idioriê – Indigenous Education Specialist and Board Member at Casa Fund
  • Alessandra Korap Munduruku – Indigenous leader and socio-environmental activist

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